China Contributes Half Of World Offshore Wind Installations in 2020

Keywords: offshore wind power, 2020


According to the latest data released by GWEC, the global offshore wind power capacity increased by 6.067GW in 2020, of which China’s new capacity exceeds 3GW, accounting for more than half of the world’s new capacity. This is the third year in a row that China ranks first in the world in terms of annual installed capacity of offshore wind power.

By the end of 2020, the global offshore wind power installed capacity has exceeded 35GW, almost three times that of five years ago. UK’s offshore wind power installed capacity is 10.206GW, ranking first; China’s total installed capacity of 9.898GW, which is only less than 308MW of UK’s, surpasses Germany and ranks second in the world.

On the whole, Europe has maintained stable growth, accounting for most of the new capacity. Among them, the annual new capacity of the Netherlands is next only to that of China, with an installed capacity of nearly 1.5GW. The new floating offshore wind power installation is only from Portugal (17MW).

Data source: GWEC

Edited and translated: minds:connected