About The Unite Price Of Wind Power In Chinese Market

From the end of 2020, the unit price of wind turbines in China’s market has dropped sharply, from 4200 RMB / kW to 2396 RMB / kW. In terms of absolute value of the price, the highest decline rate is about 40%.

Of course, the decline in the price is not just a pure cost reduction. The biggest contributor is technological innovation. The unit capacity has also been increased from 2MW to 6.25MW (MySE6.25-172/100 of Mingyang, W6050-172 of Shanghai Electric and DEW-D6000-172 of Dongfang Electric), which directly triples the capacity. The decrease of material cost amortization of large capacity turbines is the main reason for the substantial decrease of the cost of unit price of wind power.

There is no doubt that with the implementation of a series of pricing mechanisms such as wind power parity, bidding and quota access to the Internet, it is an inevitable requirement of the market that the cost per kilowatt of wind farm will decrease, which also gives the light to the wind power development enterprises of the coming of wind power parity.

Source: Internet

Edited: minds:connected