The World Largest Blade Test Center Welcomed The First Blade

Key words: Blade Test, Yangjiang City


National Center of Quality Supervision & Inspection for Offshore Wind Power Equipment (Yangjiang) is nearly ready to go to operation. This is China’s first national level offshore wind power equipment inspection center and it is also the world largest blade test center.


The National Center of Quality Supervision & Inspection for Offshore Wind Power Equipment is located in the High-tech Zone of Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province. The workshop and most of the experimental equipment of the testing center have been basically completed, and are expected to be put into use by the end of December 2020. This is not only the only national public service platform for offshore wind power equipment inspection and testing in China, but also the largest wind turbine blade testing base in the world.The construction is led by China General Certification Center(CGC).

National Center of Quality Supervision & Inspection for Offshore Wind Power Equipment (Yangjiang)

The total area of the Center is 74000 square meters, which is mainly composed of three parts: blade test workshop, office building and operation site. There are one static test bench (No. 5) and four fatigue(No. 1 to No. 4) test bench in the blade test workshop. The workshop is 180 meters long and 135 meters wide, which can meet the full-scale test of 150 meters of blades.

Overview of the Center

According to Lv Luyong, site director of the Center, 90% of the construction has been completed. Test bench No.2 and No.4 have been completed, and test bench No.1 and No.3 will be completed and put into operation at the end of December 2020. The blade test bench of the Center is the largest test platform in the world.

In the office building next to the blade inspection workshop, most of the experimental equipment in the chemical laboratory has also been installed. The main function here is to do test and analysis on raw materials, lubricating oil, key components and etc.

Material lab

After the completion of the Center, it will provide inspection and testing services for wind turbine, blade and gearbox of wind power equipment, as well as the operation process of wind power.

On September 2, 2020, a 83.6m blade from Jiangsu Province arrived at the Center for testing. This is also the first blade which arrived at this center.

83.6m blade in the test workshop

Source: CGC

Translated and edited by: minds:connected