Qingdao Hydrogen Energy Industry Development Plan In 2020-2030

Key words: China Qingdao, Hydrogen

Abstract: Qingdao Development and Reform Commission issued the Exposure Draft of Qingdao Hydrogen Energy Industry Development Plan In 2020-2030 On July 22, 2020.


The draft exposure hydrogen development plan issued by Qingdao Development and Reform Commission (QDRDC)explains how Qingdao will make itself the first hydrogen city in China in 5 main aspects.

Development Goals

In the coming 10 years, Qingdao will develop into an international hydrogen energy city, build an important domestic hydrogen industry base, and achieve the overall development goal of “Oriental Hydrogen Island”.

Short term target (2020-2022)

Consolidate the foundation for the development of hydrogen energy industry, promote the construction of application demonstration projects such as integrated innovation of hydrogen energy industry, fuel cell vehicles, hydrogen port and hydrogen energy town, build industry cooperation and exchange platform, and initially build domestic well-known hydrogen industry cluster and demonstration area.

In terms of technology: Expand the scientific research team related to hydrogen energy and fuel cell technology, launch a number of major scientific research projects, and form the manufacturing capacity of core equipment in the hydrogen energy industry, and reach the domestic advanced level in the core technologies in the fields of hydrogen production, hydrogen storage and transportation, fuel cell stack, key components and materials, fuel cell system, and fuel cell vehicles.

Hydrogen supply system: Ensure the supply of hydrogen resources, initially establish a hydrogen transportation supply system; basically complete the upgrading and transformation of existing chemical by-product hydrogen projects, implement hydrogen recovery and reuse and hydrogen purification; carry out hydrogen pipeline construction pilot in the chemical industry park; and build more than 10 hydrogenation stations.

Promotion and application: Promote more than 600 fuel cell buses, logistics vehicles and sanitation vehicles, and pilot fuel cell machinery and port trucks in Qingdao port.

Industrial scale: Establish and improve the hydrogen industry chain, cultivate more than 5 hydrogen related enterprises, and the annual output value of hydrogen energy industry reaching 5 billion yuan.

Medium term target (2023-2025)

Complete the construction of hydrogen industry ecological chain and application system, extensively promote the in-depth application of hydrogen energy and fuel cells, and realize the cluster development of hydrogen energy industry.

In terms of Technology: Cultivate internationally renowned scientific research team, undertake a number of major national science and technology projects related to hydrogen energy; form a series of fuel cell brand products; achieve domestic leading level in power system and vehicle integration technology of fuel cell vehicles; and form large-scale, low-cost renewable energy hydrogen production technology capacity.

Hydrogen supply system: Gradually expand hydrogen production capacity, develop hydrogen supply mode combining chemical by-product hydrogen and renewable energy hydrogen production, and build 25 hydrogenation stations in total.

Promotion and application: Put into operation10 hydrogen fuel cell bus lines have been , and more than 2000 fuel cell vehicles have been promoted; fuel cell port machinery and port trucks have been promoted; and fuel cell rail trains have been piloted.

Industrial scale: More than 10 hydrogen energy related enterprises have been cultivated, and the annual output value of hydrogen energy industry has reached 20 billion yuan.

Long term target (2026-2030)

Besides fossil energy and renewable energy, hydrogen energy has been developed into one of the important energy categories in our city, and has been comprehensively applied in transportation, logistics, power generation, heating and other fields. In some areas, we will complete the hydrogen society demonstration project of independent hydrogen supply, energy consumption and recycling, and achieve the overall development goal of “East Hydrogen Island”.

In terms of Technology: It has reached the international level in terms of hydrogen production equipment, hydrogen storage technology, fuel cell, key materials, system integration, hydrogen energy equipment, intelligent manufacturing, etc., and formed an industrial cluster with great influence in China, and deeply participated in the formulation of industry national standards; built an Engineering Experimental Center, engineering center or key laboratory above the provincial level in the field of hydrogen energy to promote national innovation Platform construction.

Hydrogen supply system: expand the scale of hydrogen production from renewable energy, build offshore wind power hydrogen production projects in coastal areas and islands, develop long-distance and low-cost hydrogen transmission technology, and build more than 50 hydrogenation stations in total.

Promotion and application: More than 30 hydrogen fuel cell vehicle bus lines have been put into operation, and 8000 fuel cell vehicles have been promoted; more than 2 fuel cell rail train lines have been built; fuel cell independent power generation and heating have been demonstrated in surrounding islands.

Industrial scale: the annual consumption of hydrogen exceeds 300 million standard cubic meters, more than 20 hydrogen energy related enterprises are cultivated, and 5 hydrogen energy related enterprises with annual main business income of more than 1 billion yuan; the annual output value of hydrogen energy industry reaches about 50 billion yuan.

Spatial Distribution

Plan and implement the coordinated development of “three zones”, namely, the south hydrogen energy innovation and development pilot area, the central hydrogen energy technology innovation core area and the northern fuel cell vehicle industry cluster area, to give full play to their respective advantages and jointly create a blueprint for Qingdao’s hydrogen energy development.

Key Tasks

  1. Building a green, intelligent and efficient energy system;
  2. Promoting the development of regional integration of “hydrogen economy”;
  3. Building hydrogen industry chain in an all-round way;
  4. Hydrogen production industry

In areas where wind power generation, photo-voltaic power generation and offshore wind power projects are concentrated, priority should be given to the development of “electricity to gas” projects by using abandon wind power and abandon photo-voltaic power.

  • Fuel cell industry
  • Hydrogen storage equipment industry
  • Fuel cell vehicle
  • Other applications

Develop technologies and modes for hydrogen production from offshore wind power, island distributed generation, standby power, tidal energy and wave energy.

  • Construction of hydrogen supply and transportation system;
  • Strengthening the construction of hydrogen energy infrastructure;
  • Promoting demonstration and application of hydrogen energy industry.

For more detailed information, please contact us.

Source: Qingdao Development and Reform Commission 

Translated and edit by: minds:connected