GE 120m Rotor Blade Extended Reading

Key words: 120m Rotor Blade; GE; Offshore wind

Abstract: GE is studying the introduction of more than 120 meters rotor blade in length which is expected to be produced in November 2020.


GE is studying the introduction of longer wind turbine blades, which will be more than 120 meters in length. At present, the world’s longest wind turbine blade is GE’s LM 107m, which is used in its Haliade X12 MW offshore wind turbine.

120m + rotor blade will become the longest wind turbine blade record in the world. It is reported that the blade is being studied in the Joint Laboratory of LM of GE and TNO of Netherlands. Construction and commissioning are expected to be completed in November 2020.

Peter Eecen, wind energy R & D Manager at TNO, said that without innovation, large offshore wind turbines would become too cumbersome and expensive to be commercialized in the future. Rapid innovation in the design, materials, construction and manufacturing of wind turbine blades and rotors will make offshore wind turbine upgrades feasible and attractive worldwide.

Source: WindDaily

Edited and translated by: minds:connected

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4 years ago

October 2020 is tomorrow! The WINDblade1260 will not have come to life by then…