Longest Offshore Wind Power S89 Launched Off The Production Line

On September 2, 2021, the onshore wind turbine blade S89 independently developed by Shanghai Electric Wind Power successfully launched off the production line. The blade is 89 meters long and will be equipped with a new generation of electric wind power product platform unit.

S89 blade is the longest onshore blade in the world at present. The successful production of this blade marks that the wind turbine of onshore wind turbine has officially entered the 18x era. The blade is designed by digital tools, and the shape and load are optimized by automatic iterative optimization, so that the power generation efficiency and safety of the wind turbine unit are the best. The blade structure is designed according to the latest international standards to ensure the safety and reliability of the blade in the whole life cycle. Lightning protection design shall be carried out according to class I requirements of IEC61400-29 standard, and multi physical field simulation combined with test verification shall be adopted to ensure the reliability of lightning protection system.

Source: Shanghai Electric Wind Power

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