Pouring Of Foundation Bearing Platform Of The First Batch 170 m Ultra High Wind Turbine In China Is Completed

At 17:18 on June 18, 2021, after 10 hours of continuous pouring, the pouring of foundation bearing platform of No.4 wind turbine unit in Yuhuan No.1 offshore wind power phase I Project (north area) undertaken by Huadian Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. was successfully completed, marking the completion of pouring of 22 foundation bearing platforms in north area.

Huadian Yuhuan offshore wind power north area project is located in the coastal area of Yuhuan, Zhejiang Province, with a total installed capacity of 154MW. A total of 22 sets of 7MW wind turbines with single unit capacity will be installed, and the wind turbine foundation adopts 8 pile caps. The geology of the sea area where the project is located is complex, with silt thickness of 15m-40m, which is seriously affected by the surge, and there are many difficulties in construction.

In the face of multiple adverse factors, all the staff of the project department went up to meet the difficulties. Since the pile test on October 4, 2020, it took 257 days to successfully complete the construction task of 22 typhoon foundation in the north area, laying a solid foundation for the grid connected power generation as scheduled by the end of the year.

Source: Huadian Heavy Industries Co.Ltd, offshore wind

Edited and translated: Following The Wind