CGC Held The 4th Wind Turbine Blade Technology Development Seminar Focusing On The Challenges Of Large Blade R & D & Testing

On May 21, 2021, the fourth wind turbine blade technology development seminar was successfully held in Yangjiang, Guangdong Province. Nearly 40 experts from the upstream and downstream of wind power industry, such as wind turbine supplier, blade factory, raw material factory and University, gathered at the National Center of Quality Supervision & Inspection for Offshore Wind Power Equipment (National Quality Inspection Center), deeply discussed the innovation problems of blade raw materials and related technologies in the era of parity, interpreted the inspection and certification specifications of wind power blades, and promoted the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure. It is of great significance to promote cost reduction, efficiency increase and sustainable development of wind turbine blade industry. This seminar focuses on “How to deal with the challenge of low price for large blades”.

At the seminar, representatives from all parties in the blade industry chain had in-depth exchanges on the hot spots of raw materials, platform blade R & D and manufacturing, full-size blade testing and certification, component testing, insurance guarantee and other industries. According to Mr. Lv luyong, Vice Minister of Blade Laboratory of National Quality Inspection Center, the inspection laboratory and chemical laboratory can support full-scale test of 150 meter blades, covering the whole life cycle detection and inspection service capabilities of raw materials, key components, turbines and in-service units in the field of offshore wind power equipment. He also mentioned, the blade laboratory will test the 102 meter blade (longest in China ), which plays an important role in verifying the technological innovation and R & D iteration of China’s super large blades, and will further accelerate the marketization process of China’s wind power blades.


Edited and translated: minds:connected