In 2020 China For The First Time Installs More Than 50% Of the Global Offshore Wind Power Capacity

Keywords: Offshore wind power, Newly installed capacity


According to the latest data released by the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), the newly installed capacity of global offshore wind power exceeds 6 GW in 2020, which is close to that in 2019, the highest level in history. China has become the largest offshore wind power market for the third year in a row. In 2020, the new offshore wind power grid connected capacity exceeds 3 GW, accounting for half of the global increment.

2020Global distribution of new offshore wind power installations

Top 1: China – 3060MW

Top 2: Netherlands – 1493MW

Top 3: Belgium – 703MW

Top 4: UK – 483MW

Top 5: Germany – 237MW

Top 6: South Korea – 60MW

Top 7: Portugal – 17MW(Floating)

Top 8: US – 12MW

The European market has maintained a steady growth. Netherlands ranks second in the world with nearly 1.5 GW of new installed capacity, while Belgium, UK and Germany rank third to fifth.

At present, the global offshore wind power installed capacity has exceeded 35 GW, almost three times that of five years ago. UK is still the country with the largest number of offshore wind power installations, with a total installed capacity of more than 10 GW, while China surpasses Germany, becoming the second largest country in the world.

Source: GWEC

Edited and translated: minds:connected