Guangzhou Hydrogen Industry Development Plan (2019-2030)

Key words: Hydrogen

Abstract: On July 30, 2020, Guangzhou Municipal Development And Reform Commission issued a notice on printing and distributing the Guangzhou Hydrogen Industry Development Plan (2019-2030), and officially issued the Guangzhou Hydrogen Industry Development Plan (2019-2030).


Development Orientation

It is planned to build Guangzhou into a hydrogen energy hub in the south of China, a hydrogen energy R & D and design center, an equipment manufacturing center, an inspection and testing center, a market operation center and an international exchange center in Dawan district. It is planned to build the whole hydrogen energy industry chain, form large-scale application of hydrogen energy, realize the independent research and development and preparation of core materials in the hydrogen energy industry, as well as the independent R & D, design and manufacturing of key components and core equipment, and export complete sets of hydrogen energy equipment and key components to the whole country and the world.

Planning Objectives

By 2022, Complete the layout of key enterprises in the hydrogen energy industry chain, implement a number of core technology R & D projects, and promote the construction and demonstration application of hydrogen energy infrastructure. Fuel cell vehicles account for no less than 10% of the newly added and replaced vehicles in the field of environmental sanitation; the demonstration operation of fuel cell vehicles in public transportation, logistics, engineering services, warehousing, ports and other fields is no less than 3000; the demonstration and application of fuel cell passenger vehicles in official vehicles, taxis, shared rental and other fields has reached the scale of hundreds of vehicles. Hydrogen energy and fuel cells have been applied in the fields of power and heat. One demonstration and application power station for green hydrogen power comprehensive peak shaving will be built, and no less than 30 hydrogenation stations will be built. The output value of hydrogen energy industry is expected to reach more than 20 billion RMB.

By 2025, Guangzhou’s hydrogen energy hub, industrial cluster center and relatively complete hydrogen energy industrial chain will be preliminarily built, and the independent design and manufacturing capacity of hydrogen energy equipment will be formed. Some core technologies of hydrogen energy industry will have made breakthroughs, and large-scale application will be preliminarily realized. A service platform for testing and testing environment and science and technology industry innovation will be built. The layout of hydrogen energy infrastructure and industrial supporting facilities will be relatively perfect, forming Guangdong-Hong Kong-Taiwan District hydrogen energy operation center. More than 100 hydrogen energy and fuel cell related enterprises have been cultivated in Guangzhou, including 1-2 enterprises with annual operating revenue exceeding 5 billion RMB. Fuel cell vehicles account for no less than 30% of public transportation and environmental sanitation, and fuel cell passenger vehicles will be commercialized and applied in the scale of 1000 vehicles. Fuel cell vehicles have been commercialized in logistics, storage, port and other fields. Hydrogen energy and fuel cells are applied in small-scale in the fields of power and heat, and demonstration applications in rail transit, ships and aviation. Build 4 green hydrogen power integrated peak shaving power stations, and build no less than 50 hydrogenation stations. The output value of hydrogen energy industry is expected to reach more than 60 billion RMB.

By 2030, Guangzhou will build a hydrogen energy industry system integrating production, storage, transportation, trading and application, which will jointly support the supply of secondary energy with electricity and heat. It is planned to build Dawan District hydrogen energy R & D and design center, equipment manufacturing center, inspection and testing center, market operation center and international exchange center. In the core components, stack, system integration, test and certification services, vehicle development and other links to form a number of competitive enterprises, in each link to form 1-2 furniture enterprises with international influence. The total installed capacity of fuel cell fixed power generation system in the fields of energy storage, standby power supply, distributed energy and combined cooling, heating and power supply, and the total installed capacity of fuel cell power system in automobile, rail transit, ship, aviation and other fields is more than 100000. No less than 10 green hydrogen power plants will be built, and more than 100 hydrogenation stations will be built. The output value of hydrogen energy industry is expected to be more than 200 billion RMB.

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Source: Guangzhou Municipal Development And Reform Commission

Translated and edited by: minds:connected