Shanghai Electric Wind Power Industry Landing On Science And Technology Innovation Board

Shanghai Electric Wind Power Industry Landing On Science And Technology Innovation Board

On May 19, 2021, the listing ceremony of Shanghai Electric Wind Power Group was held in Shanghai Securities Building, marking the official landing of Shanghai Electric Wind Power (Stock Code: 688660) on the science and technology innovation board.

Shanghai Electric Wind Power submitted its listing application to China Securities Supervision Commission in June 2020. After nearly a year of preparation, it recently held an online roadshow and finally successfully listed. As one of the leading enterprises in China’s wind power industry and a leading enterprise of domestic offshore wind power, the listing of Shanghai Electric Wind Power on the science and technology innovation board is a positive response to the new concept of new energy industry development and the overall national energy development strategy.

With the help of social capital, Shanghai Electric Wind Power will better promote the realization of China’s goal of “Carbon Peak, Carbon Neutral” and make greater contribution to the improvement of the overall discourse power of the industry.

Source: Shanghai Electric

Edited and translated: minds:connected